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The Story behind
MIS Kombucha

Our founder get to know about kombucha through a friend, noticed it really helps to improve digestion and detoxification then she started to brew kombucha at home. As time past, she develop new recipes and further research about kombucha scientific facts. Gradually, she aims to highlight that kombucha is a healthy drink by promote and selling kombucha to the market.


Premium Flavor High Quality


Many Health Benefits of Kombucha

Help Boost Metabolism & Improve Digestion

Strengthen Body Immune System

Reduce Inflammation & Lowering Blood Sugar

Improve Gut Health & Liver Health

Packed With Lots Of Antioxidant

Gives Energy Boost & Make You Feel Good


Our Partners

Events & Pop-Up

Draft Kombucha

Customize your drinks menu to make it special and stand out from the rest. It will become the highlight of your own brand and you can earn more profit margin.

  • Raw draft Kombucha
  • Smoothie
  • Cocktail
  • Mocktail